Friday, July 12, 2013

Just woke up, in the middle of the night.

Meditated before bed.  Laid down to sleep.  Drifted into a meditative state before sleeping.  Had the following dream.  I was at my home in reality, except it had a more impressive type of gating system for the yard.  I had a bunch of cows and goats fenced in.  A tree of some sort, surrounded by a fence was in the yard across from mine. 

If you crossed that fence, I know, you would be stopped from touching the tree by some various animal.  I belive it was a bear.  Well a bunch of lions were running around outside of the fence, and I believe they were trying to take my livestock.

I ended up shoving one of the lions over the fence into the tree, which, if its the same tree from memory, opens a portal into another place.  Though I am not sure what it could be.  I need to do some research into it.

After that, the guardian creature appeared and started fighting off the lions, I took that time to gather some of them and add them to my 'farm' where they suddenly quieted down and became more docile.

I closed and latched all the gates, while putting some of the animals into a 'barn' which is my shed in reality.  I then whent and jumped the fence to go inside.  I looked at my 'water rock' or something similar.  It was a stone, split in half, and even though it was removed from its source, water still spilt from it when they wre split.  Even though there was no place for the water to come from.

Since I was reading a book on zen... The rock could suggest some from of enlightenment, the gathering of animals is bringing differentthings under control, and introducing them to spirituality.  Since water has been a symbol for spirituality and knowledge in the past for me.  In this case the rock having the ability to spring water from nothing sugguests either that my subconcious mind is making the connected from form and function not being that far removed, in fact being one in the same. *shrugs*

Monday, July 1, 2013


Blah.  Sick.  And I was doing well with doing my meditation too.  Ah well.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Strange sounds.

Another odd night last night.  I was drinking a bit, and after coming back from the kitchen, heard an odd popping noise.  Went out there to check what it was, heard something from the dishwasher.  I just figured it was that, but the noise wasn't exactly the same.

Later that night.  I was asleep and woke up about 2:30.  I hear this noise, like claws against the rug on my floor.  A noise my dog Suzy would make, when she was alive.  I looked, nothing really was there to make note of.  I got up to use the lavatory, there *might* have been a shadow that was out of place.  But, having had a few drinks, I didn't bother to look into things to much.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Meditation and visual phenomina

I haven't posted here in a long while... My bad. Haven't had a lot of paranormal activity. Though I did have something very interesting that I wanted to note down, besides in my personal journal. Did a meditation last night, before bed. I could feel my mental state switching over. But I was tired, so I opened my eyes, to lay down to sleep. After I opened my eyes I could see a black figure at the foot of my bed. Blinking didn't make it disappear, and in fact I saw it move from side to side. I addressed it, said that I could see it, but I didn't feel like it had any malevolence. I laid down, and looked up at the ceiling. I could see a black mist, swirling above my head. Blinking seemed to make it fade a bit, but looking up at it again drew it into prominence. I'm not sure what to make of this. But, it was interesting, and I took note of it after waking up.