Saturday, September 17, 2011

Long work week.

Well this week has been very long for me.  Since I usually work part time, on average of 30 hours a week. And this week I have worked 31.5 hours in the last 3 days, plus 14 hours over another 3 days of work.

Also, did I wonder if anyone else had one of those days, on Friday.  It seemed like every time I had my back to an open space yesterday, I was expecting someone to be behind me watching me.  I turned around on more than one occasion and could have sworn I saw a flash of a face at varying distances away.  And it seemed like it wasn't always the same either.

Below the cut, dreams from Friday night.

So I slept in today.  I had at least 3 dreams.

One was my semi-typical work related dream.. I was spreading a cleaning agent on the floor of the back room, It somehow went from a bottle full of cleaner to enough to rush out the back door, into the larger storage area for the non-perishable stuffs, and continued to flow down along what seemed like the length of the store.

Another dream from last night was of me watching a child in a crib.  The kid had what looked like a small version of a rifle in his hand, with a bayonet attachment on the end, and it was repeatedly stabbing the wall next to the crib.  I honestly felt like just a watcher in this case, like a non-corporeal entity.

The first I consider normal, the second not so much, but the third is a bit strange for me, considering magic isn't usually a focus in my dreams.

I was in a very old house.  In some sense it honestly felt like a funeral, everyone dressed in black, the men in suites, the woman in long flowing black dresses, everyone very somber.  I watched an old couple walk past me. Looking into the face of the older man, I could see that he looked a lot like my Grandfather.  For some reason I believed this to be my grandfathers older brother, of which I am not sure of what he had in reality.  I looked at this old couple wander away.

The dream itself shifted or I at least forget what happened between then and this next part.  I seemed to be further inside the house.  The colors in the house muted, dark.  I was with an older lady, and she seemed to be in the middle of a sentence.  Then she handed me a book.  It said on it "Book of Shadows"  On the cover was a pentagram.  Attached to this cover was a necklace taped to it.  So that the points of the pentagram matched.

Writing it like that makes me remember that the pentagram on the cover of this book was upside down, the pendant on the necklace, which for some reason I think was a cross (which is weird in of itself), or it could have been an ankh. Was matching up with the lowest point.

All's I really remember was that the book itself was brand new.  Like store new, it wasn't old, it wasn't hand written.  I remember flipping though some of the pages. Seeing incantations written down, and instructions for rituals. I remember thanking her, and thinking to myself "Luin will not believe this, I found someone to teach me some magic!"  I then woke up after this point.

1 comment:

  1. It seems like that last dream was an open invitation into some of the more formal or serious parts of magic. Maybe the funeral was there to help you say goodbye to a part of yourself that is about to change? Especially since at least on member present seemed like a family member. It seemed very personal.
