Friday, December 23, 2011

Dreams, Dreams everywhere!

Well.  Ill start with the one I JUST remembered.

I had a dream where I was banned from an IRC channel due to lack of activity.  Apparently someone else I know online was on it as well, Ihrida in this case.  I remember seeing typed "I think Ihrida and Lycaon are members of the other organization, I think they are spies."  Papi said "I like you Lycaon, but you have to go." then I was banned from the channel.

I also had a few other dreams.  One of which was me going outside with my brother, and me looking up at the pitch black sky.  "I think its snowing out." I could feel the cold drops of snow falling into my hair. 

I woke up and it is snowing in actuality.  Though I did hear on the news that it was supposed to.

Another dream I remember having was my Dad driving his car into a jughandle.  It is a way to turn around on a road without pulling a u-turn.  Pretty much a little side street leading up to a light to then take a left back onto the same road.  Someone was walking in front of my fathers car, so he got out and started telling them to get out of the way.  I think someone then hit dads car when he got out of it because thee guys were standing off to the side appraising the damage, while my father and this other guy kinda fought.

The other guy picked up a rock, and chucked it at my father, and I flew into a rage.  I got into the guys face, and I remember yelling "If you so much as lay one more hand on him I will fucking murder you."

The guy looked shocked, and then backed down a bit.  He went on about how he is usually not like that, and about how he was sorry.  He then went back to saying how the three guys worked for such and such a collision place, where someone I am acquainted with, David, works in reality.

We ended up going there, to find that Dave now apparently owns the place, and buys everything to get put into it.

Somehow this segways into there being lasers coming though the windows, like the ones you would find on firearms to help those who cannot aim get a better shot.  It seems like they are searching for a murder suspect...

I don't remember much else, regretfully.

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