Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Dream from last night

This was bit of a strange dream...

My first reaction upon waking was "I had a dream where I interacted with a ghost." Followed by "I also dreamed I was spitting chickens in the Dairy cooler, and was talking to Brian. I got out before Kevin got in there, so I didn't get yelled at"

"I had a dream where there was a bunch of tiny blimps flying around, trying to destroy a city"

I also dreamed that I had attended some sort of party, I think with Kacie, one of my co-workers.  Kevin was playing the piano, I think one of the things I had put down in my dream was my digital voice recorder.

We somehow found ourselves outside, and Kacie saw something though the trees which frightened her.  I looked through the trees and saw something moving though it.  I think that is where I got the "I interacted with a ghost" part.  But upon looking though the brush I though it was nothing.

"Something glowing yellow is haunted"  Was something that was said to me in the dream, maybe by the 'ghost' figure in the brush?  I think that somehow Sex played a role in my dream again...

I ended up going home with her, and the next morning find the devices.  I had the tail end of the performance, from multiple angles, watching people singing, dancing, making music, and I seemed to have the very beginning of the evening, but it was set to start playing at the end.

The device ended up being my brothers, and he had all the passcodes to access the data on it, and I remember wanting a copy since it would also probably have me having sex on it..

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