Monday, December 12, 2011

Pair of dreams

Well.  I had a fun morning :).

Also dreamed last night, but this mornings fun didn't allow me to post about it till now.

I dreamed that I was in an SUV of some sort, driving,  We entered some sort of park, where we were supposed to be walking though, but instead drove though the wooden gateway and down the path.  There were times where I thought the vehicle would stop because of the water, and others where I thought it wouldn't fit over the footbridge or something similar.  We drove past groups of exotic animals like flamingos and other such animals.

There was a point in this dream where I came across a crashed police car, and I believe I was being chased.  I took out the gun and ammo and placed it somewhere, and then had the thought.  "Now I am going to replay this level and grab it from this container."

I noticed after I got out of the SUV I noticed I was with someone else, and after grabbing these items, i was that other person.  As the other person i was being chased and shot at, running though the woods.

The other dream Jon my second manager at work, was back and Megan was hanging off his back while I was talking to him.  I remember him looking at me and asking. "Is it really that important right now?"


Ha.  A dream about making a recording too... I was being chased because as the 'second character' from the first dream I had grabbed something or other that I shouldn't have.

For the record, I did meditate last night a bit, fell asleep while doing so, but didn't open any chakras.

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