Thursday, November 24, 2011

So Lazy.

I'm behind in my NaNoWriMo.

I should probably be asleep.  I'm waking up in... 3 hours to go shopping.  Yay?

Black friday sales, etc.  But... Ive been lazy.  My brother thinks I need a system to attempt to stay on track, build goals for myself try to keep up with them. 

He said today.

"Losers have goals, winners have systems" and apparently it was quote he had heard somewhere else.

I also found this nifty little wallpaper which made me chuckle.

They both made me chuckle, so I figured I would share.

Things I got done today?

I fixed my ubuntu installation.  by reinstalling.  But I was able to save my files and such... why I didn't do this before now? Lazy? probably.

But yay, one thing done!

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