Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Well, after alot of hemming and hawing and such, I finally decided to participate in National Novel Writing Month... fun fun.

That along with a few other things that have come up will make this month pretty busy, but it should be fun... I need to work on meditation more, I need to do more work with energy manipulation too.  I just need to *do* more I guess... Ive been lax... ah well.

I should do a tarot pull but its late... and Ive written close to 1600 words tonight so... Ill pick it up again tomorrow maybe?

1 comment:

  1. <3

    Congrats, and I'm glad you're doing it too! I'm excited for the challenge, it seems like fun.

    I gotta get energy working again as well. I took the time before falling asleep last night to do my shielding around the house again. This time I really FELT it. It was weird... after we were all chatting I really felt energized. I had no problem "connecting" and just zipped right to it. I took my time, programmed some shields, more than last time... and put them into place. I wove them into whatever is around locally and let them be.

