Sunday, November 20, 2011


So... I was almost late to work today.  Woke up 4AM to my alarm, snoozed until 5, with it going off again and again. Fell back asleep around 5, and since it was an hour past when the alarm was set It didn't go off again.

Ended up having the following dream.  Megan S, Meghan F. along with two Asian people were in my car.  I was in the back set Meghan F was driving, I believe though one of the larger cities near where I live,  A song.. I believe this one came on from my USB drive.  I went to change it and the Asian people stopped me.

I was woken up while jamming to that tune by my father.

"Its 5:30, don't you have to be at work?"

So I got dressed ran out the door to work, worked till noon, losing my voice throughout because of calling numbers.

Megan and Meghan both were at work, oddly enough.  Megan had me go into her purse and put lemon oil in my water, she says its good for your throat when its sore.  Nice of her, if a bit awkward for me.  ha.

I then got home after 12:30, sat in the sun for a while with my dog, and parents, came in ate some stew, showered, slept from 2-5:30, ate some dinner and here I am....

Could be worse I guess.

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