Monday, November 7, 2011


Problem Solution

So, The Sun, again, as my problem.
Book meaning? "Material happiness, success, attainment. A good marriage.  Happy reunions. Achievements in the arts, science, and agriculture. Studies completed; liberation. Pleasure in the simple life"

My Solution? The Hierophant.

Book meaning? "Preference for the outer forms of religion, the ritual, the creed, the ceremony.  The importance of social approval; the need to conform to society."

[22:02:42] <@Luinbariel> I think the Heirophant is a teacher, one whom you draw a lot of knowledge from in many ways including spiritual knowledge. The act of being under such a person's wing, that kind of thing.

Is what Luin had said.  Which would make more sense in this spread.  Basically what is being said is that I'm enjoying the material, but I should be more focused on the immaterial, on those things that cannot be counted, and focused upon.  It makes sense, and slightly confirms a few thoughts I've had.  "I should be meditating more" and all of that.

I guess the sun could also be seen as a card that is saying "Look at me, I'm bright enough to shine on my own.  I can do what I want... Hence the sunflowers looking towards the child and not at the sun.

That needs more thought. 

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