Friday, November 4, 2011

Been awhile...

Wow... its been a while since I updated this... Lets see, Saturday night I lost power, as did my work, I stayed late there... Sunday I had to be up early to drive though a snowstorm to get back to work, stayed there for 6 hours, and then I was on a mini-vacation from monday though friday... so I have one day off left!

Been busy though...

So, onto tarot, which Ive been negelecting...

Problem - Solution pull as I have been doing.

Problem, reversedSolution

The card Strength, reversed means "Domination of the material. Discord, lack of moral force, fear of the unknown in ourselves, abuse of power." According to the book. The first thing that came into my head when I looked at this card though was "lack of strength" or basicly Ive been too lax, and too weak, in my own strength of character. Ive been doing what others want and that maybe just maybe Ive been letting them get things their way for too long.

Lets see what the book has to say about the two of pentacles... "Te ability to juggle two situations at one time. Lightheartedness. gaiety. Recreation. Harmony in the midst of change. New projects may be difficult to launch. News and messages in writing. A nature industrious yet unreliable, elated and then melancholic"

Hmm, so the second card is saying to basicly "take it all in stride, juggle your problems, and hope that they will sort them out?"  Maybe I'm reading these incorrectly.  but part of it is just saying "ride the waves" but maybe the first card is just indicating that these problems exist, but that they will somewhat work themselves out without causing too much upheival...

I'm tired. Time for sleep!

Oh, Im behind in my NaNoWriMo... but I'm trying to keep up!

1 comment:

  1. I'd take strength reversed to imply pretty much the same: instead of fighting against life, life is fighting against you. There's a sense that life is dominating you and that you don't know if you have the strength to fight it off.

    The solution would imply to me that this is only the beginning of that feeling in yourself and that you can do a lot of reversing it, but that it will take time to learn that skill for yourself. It' s a beginning, the skill has to be nurtured and practiced.
