Saturday, April 28, 2012

Dreams from yesterday's eve, and last night.

Yesterday eve:

I was in a car, passing over a river, with my father and eldest brother.  The river was overfilled, swelling over the banks, the river into a lake.  Next to the river there was a drainage runoff, with lots of water running into it. 

We finally got to the lake, and there was a large stone or cemenet retaining wall, with the surf pounding against the banks the wall.  You could see water bubbling up from underneith the water levels rising.  The surf pounding the wall continously.

My brother was eating a cookie, and he broke off a peice and put it into a stone dog statue, and put another peice into an anthromorphic bloodhound statue, which had a leash attached.

We sat at a high wooden table with bar stools around it.  My alarm went off after we sat down.

Last nights:

I was at a cabin, I remember looking at it with someone else, maybe in a past dream, looking at this cabin and other houses.  I was with someone who was going to buy it.  I went out onto the deck, which is overlooking a ravine, and I was looking at the town down below though a pair of high powered binoculars. The last thing I remember doing is holding onto these binoculars and jumping off the deck, thinking that they would allow me to glide down safely.  I woke up after I jumped.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Barely remembered dream, and an oracle pull.

Last night, I dreamed about a little girl working in the deli, in my 5AM recording I said something about Pan's Labyrinth, and that was about it... probably because she resembled the main character in that movie somehow.

 For my pull I pulled the blackbird, reversed.

I asked "What animal is effecting today?"

"Drawn reversed, this card reminds you that the blackbird is the smith's bird, and his song may be calling you to work in the forge of your own heart -- to create a life of passion and purpose.  All four elements are used in metal-working, and to create a healthy and balanced life we must work with the power of the four elements, integrating and developing our minds and hearts, our instinct and our intuition.  Just standing at the gateway between two worlds, without truly working in either, is a denial of our own power and responsibility."

Friday, April 20, 2012

Work Dream.

I found myself in the deli back room.  Sam who I have not seen in ages was out back opening something.  I said hello to her, and she smiles and returns the greeting.  Looking around, the place is dingy, dark, not dirty really, just, bathed in shadow.

Walking out to the counter I see more workers, but don't say anything to them.  I walk towards the fish case instead.  Going there I see 2 women working, they both resemble Brandie, a woman that I worked with in days past, so I say "Hello Brandie"  One of them responds "That is not my name."

I feel awkward about it.  I then wake up I think.

I feel like there should be more to this dream, but I didn't copy it down when I first woke up with it, and instead barely remembered what you see here after I woke up probably a few hours later.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Signing things, Archibald's Weapon, and other things.

I found myself in what looked like an office or a collage building. I was in a hallway, and entered an office.  Inside was my father, and another man behind a desk.  He held a pen, and wrote down on an inkblot,  Professor Dumbledore, and then some things underneath it.  He then handed me a diary and a pen.  Written on the page was a paragraph, written in the first person, and I was supposed to sign it.  I signed my first name. 

The back of my head started to pulse, the beginnings of a headache. I signed my last name.  The pain got significantly worse. I then hear a voice "Its about time."

My father then signs it as well, under mine, and I see him sitting in the office eating Oero cookies. I left the office and walked out into the hallway.  I found myself with someone else outside of the office, and Suddenly I had to urinate. Suddenly there was a box in front of me and I was pissing in it.  The other person was standing to the side, who I never looked at and was watching me do so.  I finished up.

I turned and looked towards the office once again. I find a stairwell, and I go up.  I find myself inside of what seemed to suddenly be a house.  I find a bedroom upstairs, and find the dresser full of women's clothing, I leave that one and go into another bedroom and find it to be a guys bedroom, I find a few packages of condoms and take a few for laughs.  I am about to leave when I hear footsteps coming up the stairs.  I turn off the light in the room I'm in and hide in the corner behind the door, in front of me is a closet.  I wake up when the door starts to open.

I had another short vision like dream, where there was a young women on the ground, with a messenger bag around her.  On top of her was a reptile like a salamander or chameleon.  Its left front paw was on her right breast.  She had blond hair and green or blue eyes, when she tried to get up it was like the reptile pushed down in her breast to hold her in place.

There was another dream, after I had fallen back asleep.  I was in a castle of some sort.

My first words upon waking up after this one was.  "This one seemed to be me using the knife of someone used Archibald, I used his knife in what seemed to be a ritual, and it went somewhat awry.  And his reasoning was that since it was his knife, that it was tied to his person and the results were for him, and not for me."

I then remembered more.

I was in a castle, or a house and I was looking for someone.  I ended up getting to a room, fighting to get there or threatning my way, using Archibald's weapon.  I came face to face with the person who owned this place, and he had his guards grab me and throw me into a room behind a panting and it was filled with children, who were kept there as slaves or something worse.  I think the ritual part came about after I was put into the room, but still the finer details are lacking.  I'm not sure who Archibald even is.  I did ask CZ if the name means anything to him and he said that when he has to, that is what he uses as a first name, Captain Archibald Zeros Esq.

Not sure what it was about at all to be honest. 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Car accidents, washed out roads, and crumbling Bridges.

I left for work, getting on the highway, passing by a few cruisers their lights flashing.  As I drove down the road, I noticed that the traffic was getting slimmer, looking towards the northbound traffic I saw a pile of cars on the roadway.  A brown car, possibly an older style Lincoln hit the pile of cars and few up into the air, crashing down onto the road.  I hit my breaks. A Police officer came up behind me in his vehicle, lights flashing and I pulled off to the side of the road.  He came up to my window and yelled at me.

"Didn't you know not to leave your house?"

"I didn't know anything was going on..." I trailed off.

I got out of my car and we both walked a bit of a ways down the now devoid highway.  Passing by empty or smashed up cars.  We walked up to a roadblock set up with jersey barriers, and looking down I could see the entire road washed away.  I looked at the officer and started to say something, when I heard a crack.  Looking up I saw small fissures appearing in a bridge above us.  I looked at him in horror and ran towards the northbound side, jumping over the barrier, and continuing on.  A piece of concrete fell from above barly missing me, I jump over it and then over another set of barriers onto a brick platform.

Another person was on this platform as well.  I watched as the bridge collapsed downward.


If I had to guess this seems like a "World crashing down, only time to react" type dream.  Not really sure what to make of it.

I did have another short one.  Something about my puppy Teddy climbing a large chain link fence.  There was a few other dreams last night as well, but I don't really remember them well.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Woo! Got my cards early!

Well, I ordered the Druid Animal Oracle cards earlier this week and got them today, a day before they should have gotten here according to their estimate!

So, I did a pull.

I pulled the dog, reversed.

"This card urges you to examine the degree to which you or those around you may be lacking in faithfulness or loyalty.  Ask yourself to what extent you value these qualities in your friends and lovers, and to what extent you and they express these values.  if you find it difficult to keep friendships, Cu as your ally will help you to develop the qualities of selflessness and trust that will nurture close relationships.  But remember that sometimes loyalty and faithfulness can be inappropriate -- a dog is often submissive and anxious to please even a cruel owner."

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Climing a tower? LOTR cast?

A shortish dream remembered.

I was following a group climbing a tower.  It looked like a Dwarf, or Hobbit was running up the steps of a tower, going up in circles.  Every once in a while I could see a hallway leading off into the distance go by, but they continued to climb.

Behind them, was a young woman, followed by a larger group, at least one Dwarf, and another Hobbit, and others as well.

The first person ran past another hallway, and I could see off in the distance a caged in area, with prisoners behind the bars. One of the women yelled out "They are following you!"

The first person suddenly came flying down the steps and the young woman, and the others caught up and passed up, reaching the next landing.  A cage door swung shut and locked.  She looked up and said "Gandalf, why are you not fighting back?"  Seeing though her eyes I could see one Dwarf, along with some others.  The Dwarfs shoulders were hunched down.

I woke up after this.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Busy night, only a short bit remembered.

It was a fairly busy night, dream wise, I think I woke up a couple of times thoughout the night, remembering bits and peices of dreams.

The only bit I remembered was the following.

I was at home, with my brother in his room.  I was discussing with him how I was looking at a few items for sale, and how much they cost.  We already have one on rent and the other we could also rent, apperently.

This is a direct thing that -is- sort of happening now, where we have a game rented that we like, and can buy for 18 dollars.

I think in the dream I was told that they might have it in Alaska, but not around here.


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Car rides, restaurants, and coworkers.

I dreamed that I was in a car with Rosi, Melissa, and possibly one other person.  We stopped at a restaurant because Melissa was hungry, and I thought about asking her to get me a tomato soup while she was in there, but the third unknown person told her to hurry up that no one wanted anything.

She got out and went into the one that we parked in front of.  To our left was another one with the name Falintino's, Rosi said that she really liked that place and highly recommends it.  The other person I guess agreed to go eat there, so they both got out, I told them that I would tell Melissa that we were going to eat there, and went into the other noname place.

She was already seated, and while wandering around I saw Tammy and her family sitting down, they waved and I waved back. 

A bit of time passed, and I found myself in my room.  My finger was hurting, my left pointer finger.  Used a bit of my fathers medical supplies, some antiseptic along with some liquid skin type compound to seal the wound.  It burned some but wasn't that painful.

As I sat in front of my computer I started to get some IM's from different screen names, one of them said something to the effect "I was hoping to see you naked"  I'm not sure who it was from though, but I believe that it was from the restaurant portion of the dream.  There were at least 4 IM's going at this point.

Funny enough In real life, I know that Chantal works at a place called Valintino's which is a grocery store that sells cooked things as well, breakfast, deli sandwiches, among other things.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Short, strange dream.

Last nights dream featured a woman, large in structure, tall.

She was wearing a pilgrim like had, round brim all the way around, looking like a tophat, along with a button down black coat that had tails on the back. going down to at least knee length if not a bit longer.  She was also wearing black slacks.

I remember hearing a voice say "She looks more like a wizard than a witch"

Weird, but I wanted to remember it.