Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Dreams from last night

From before 6AM, I remember something to do about sherry, that is the drink, not the person.  Also trying to put a basket into the backseat of a convertible, and having it not fit.  So Rosi mixing something with sherry, and the basket thing.

After that I fell asleep again, and woke up around 10AM.

There were two people looking at a house.  The person who was trying to sell it was saying that the people who owned it were kind of strange.  If you stood on the stairs and pushed up on this part of the ceiling that the door would close and lock, and if you touch this fire alarm the doorbell will ring.

To me it seemed like the house was set up to be a fake haunted house.   They walked into the kitchen and saw a empty cup sitting on the coutner top, and a bin full of water.  The guy attempting to sell the house rinsed out the cup and put it away.

They looked at the phone sitting on the counter and saw a message.  The man selling the house said that it was probably a message from Africa, that they had been calling for a while, thinking someone was leaving messages from that number.

I also had a dream about driving down to college, getting out of class at 8PM and driving home... there was something else to this one, but I don't remember what it was.

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