Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tarot Pull

Problem, ReversedSolution, Reversed

So, The Hermit, reversed means "Refusal to listen to wisdom, Immaturity, foolish vices. Rejection of maturity; the tendency to be a perpetual Peter Pan"

I could see those being problems, I wonder what the Page of Pentacles reveals?

Page of Pentacles, reversed "Dissipation and excess.  Too great pleasure in the material things of life. Wastefulness, luxury. News of the loss of money or worldly goods."

I... don't see how those two correlate, or relate to me at the moment.  I can be immature, at times, but... I don't see how the page in this case relates to the hermit... thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Hm. At a glance I'd interpret it like so: The problem is a refusal to see a potential lesson, or a refusal to follow one's own wisdom about a situation due to a fear of loss of money. It might also refer to a loss of things you generally already have, not necessarily money.
