Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Another dream.

Last night I got to meditate again, for the first time in a while, did some grounded meditation, but got interrupted by what sounded like footsteps on the landing in front of the bathroom.  Clearly the most logical explanation would be the house settling, but it was still odd..

I woke up around 9 remembering the following dream.

I was walking with my friend Keith from college.  He was talking to an Asian girl asking if they could meet up later, but it was becoming clear she was having a hard time understanding him.  He finally just asked he if he could grope her, and I laughed.  Chantal from work said to not encourage him, but I was still chuckling.

I found myself in a house, or apartment building of some sort. I believe with my father.  He pulled his bed away from the wall, and un-tucked some of the blankets because it was too tight.  We somehow decided to go into the secret room, and attempted to find the hidden door.

The wallpaper in this room looks excactly like the wallpaper in my parents room in reality.  As we opened the door, I saw it rip, almost like the paper was over the hidden door.

We went into the dusty dark room, and slowly looked around.  Sitting in the center was a table on top of which was a statue that looked like an angel figure.  I continued to wander about, and came across a table.  Sitting on the table was two vials 3/4 filled with water, and floating in the water was spices of some sort.  I remember picking it up and looking at it, and hoping that I wasn't disturbing something.

Later in the dream I was in the house with the Asian person from before, and it seemed like they were living with us.  I remember thinking about warning them that the house was haunted.

Edits under cut

Now that I think about it... some portions of the 'hidden room' remind me of my grandmothers sowing room... the figure in the middle of the room could have been her... guardian spirit, that she had drawn at some point of a spinning girl... just a thought...  I wonder whatever happened to that drawing.  My aunt probably has it.

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