Friday, October 14, 2011

Another Tarot Pull

No images today, until I can figure out a better way to set it up.
Six of pentacles reversed. was todays problem. Four of swords, reversed, was todays solution.

The Six of pentacles while reversed deals with being purse proud, not giving when one should, jealsouy, bad debts, present prosperity threatened. Gifts given as a bribe.

This is an interesting card to note, because I have been receiving less hours at work, but also told my parents if need be, I can take over one of the household bills to be able to help them out...

The Four of swords, reversed deals with renewed activity, qualified success.. Movement in ones affairs; social unrest. A caution to be wise, circumspect and economical.

Also interesting, considering the other card here. I suppose its telling me that, I shouldn't be too selfish as to not help out, but to be do so within my means, and not overreach my bounds.

Good advice for anyone I suppose. In other news, I woke up this morning at 4:30, to a ball of light, flashing before my eyes, and being very light sensitive. I also meditated this morning, grounded myself, cleansed my chakras, and attempted to setup a 'sensing' shield. I should work on it more, later perhaps.

1 comment:

  1. It does seem like some good advice there: it's nice to help but don't forget your own goals either.

