Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Dream and Tarot Pull

Hmm, I had a dream last night.  I was in my car, selling coffee out of the back seat, I just put into the keg a full pot of pumpkin coffee. My father showed up, asking why I was still in the car, and I told him it was because I was waiting for these people to decide if they wanted to buy coffee or not. They said they didn't, so I left the car, and locked up, and found myself in the store.

Inside there were 2 women, one blond haired, the other, a brunette, and the blond was wandering around.  I was looking around and noticed gum, bought from another store, repriced and put out for 3.29 a package.  The blond woman walked around me, touching things, looking at a roast beef that was left out, on top of a case, running her hand along it, then along my arm, smiling, and wandering away.

She kept coming back around to me, so I finally followed her into the next room, walking up behind her, and grasping her, feeling her curves...  Her friend poked her head around the corner, blushed and walked away... I woke up as I slipped my hands down between her legs...


Onto tarot pull!


Okay, so the ace of swords means "Conquest, triumph of power, great activity. The power to love strongly or to hate. Possible birth of a child who will be of heroic temperament. championship" And our solution, the ten of wands? "Force and energy applied to selfish ends. Power unwisely used. carrying a burden of ill-regulated power. Here is also a refining test by fire, the heart tried by pain. Problem soon to be solved." Hmmm... I just don't get this one...

1 comment:

  1. Hm. I'm not sure. I think the problem is still the same as the other ace you drew last time: strong feelings and a lot of energy towards something, but you just can't seem to decide what yet. There are many things, lots of ideas and a lot of potential but you just can't seem to get a direction. The solution, ten of wands, is dissatisfaction and unhappiness, feeling weighted down by your choices. I think it's more of a warning than an actual solution to anything.
