Friday, October 21, 2011

Some days...

Okay, I'm trying hard not to be a bitch about things, alright.  But venting is needed.

Okay, so I went out last night, okay so it was a group of just male friends, bowling, okay, so I had a few fucking drinks, okay, I had fun, I, yes me, went out with a FRIEND, and had FUN.

Fuck off and have a nice night.

So I came home at 12:30 in the morning, and I'm sorry I woke your ass up, yes, you NEED your sleep, and yes you fucking CAN'T fall asleep like a normal fucking human being, and YES your fucking mind TURNS AND TURNS at night, get a fucking sleeping aide like a normal fucking person.

And beyond that, asking "So, how was the sausage-fest last night" DOES NOT A FUCKING "conversation starter" make, and YOU WONDER WHY I just answered with an "eh, good, how was your day" "Horrible" Oh, thats nice, and you wonder why i'm not having a conversation with you yet?

"You don't seem like yourself today" Well because I woke up to someone being bitchy, cause I didn't answer my phone, and RUN out to get a haircut this morning, and its MY FAULT that he knocked over a box of white cornmeal, and I'm supposed to DROP everything because your hip is hurting, again. Well I'm sorry, I have a PART-TIME job to get to, which I work 5 hours a day...

Just... fuck this day.


Anyways, since I'm here I might as well do a tarot card pull...

Problem, reversed Solution, reversed

So yea, lets get started...

The emperor, reversed - "Loss of control, serious injury in battle. Emotional immaturity and bondage to parents.  Possibility of being defrauded of ones inheritance."

Ha... haha... Oh Fuck you accurate tarot pull, fuck you.

Page of cups, reversed, our solution - "Little desire to create.  Dilettantism. Good taste. Seduction. A deception may soon be uncovered. Obstacles. Unpleasant news".

Yea... I' don't got a clue on this one.


  1. Ranting is totally ok, I'm really sorry you're having a shitty time. Rant all you want. I was really worried actually that I never saw you say anything bad...

    Also the Emperor, in my deck, is a father figure. When I saw this I kind of went "oh, damn".

  2. Alls I really have to say is Luinbariel <3

