Sunday, October 23, 2011

Tarot Pull


The Ten of Cups means "contentment. Lasting happiness because it is inspired from above rather than being the sensual satisfaction indicated in the nine of cups. Perfection of human love. Great friendship. lasting success. Peacemaking."

The empress means "material wealth, marriage, fertility for would-be parents, for farmers, or for people in the creative arts.  If its position is not in the best placement in relation to other cards, it sometimes indicates luxury or dissipation."

I'm not seeing how these two cards are related really.  I can see that the problem is kind of pointing at those qualities taken to extremes, for example the fact I try to keep the peace, and such.  But I'm not sure how to take the empress in this situation.

1 comment:

  1. Hm. The Empress can mean stagnation as well, but otherwise I have to admit I'm not sure how to read these either.

