I was just woken up from a pretty dark dream, so its probably going to be a bit disjointed...
I seemed to be in an old house, I remembered that it seemed really familiar and that it was almost video-game-like in the way that I remembered in the dream "If I do this, these events will happen" Like "If I go down this hallway I will get lost" or something equally as contrived. I remember looking though one of the windows knowing that at one point I saw 'someone' run though the yard, and that if I leave this room, go down such and such a hallway I would find other clues.
The dream was very silent-hill-esque now that I think about it...
It also had some boarderland like features. At one point I remember I was running from some creature and there was something very much like a cutscene, where I watched something resembling a claptrap come out of a machine, and that is what was supposed to be chasing me... I remember going though doors and getting stuck on things on the floor, like you did in badly programmed games at times. I remember just before i got woken up I was running away from a humanoid creature that was chasing me down, and thinking "I need such and such a talisman so that this thing doesn't kill me outright as soon as I confront it, and running away tripping on things on the floor, then going though a doorway. I was then... outside myself, and I was closing the door behind the me that just ran though it thinking that I would... protect myself? my brother?
Needless to say, I was about to confront that which I feared, without the items that would protect me.
I was then woken up by someone and slightly angry about it.
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