Friday, October 14, 2011

Tarot Pull - Problem and Solution

Problem, Reversed

So, the problem I faced today was, the three of cups, reversed. The meaning of that card is "over indulgence of food or drink, success turns to ashes, pleasure turns to pain, too much sensuality"

The other card, King of swords "power, strength, authority, military intelegance" among a few other things.

So, trying to pull these into something that could have affected me today.  I was asked to go out today, for bowling, and a few beers, which could have been a problem, but I didn't go.  I'm not too sure that these have much effect on me today. I am going to try to do one of these a day, and try to learn the cards, and get better at reading what they mean.

1 comment:

  1. <3 I'm glad you're doing this. I look forward to seeing these pulls!

    I think this is kind of funny now that I look at it: "Problem: go out and do too much. Solution: DON'T GO OUT"

    In a way, maybe the problem and solution ought to be reversed...
