Monday, October 17, 2011

Tarot pull - Problem and Solution

Problem Solution, reversed

Hmm, so my problem is the five of cups, upright.  I am not going to use my book on this particular card, since I think I know what it means.  It is akin to looking at all of the things you have already lost, as attributed by the spilt cups in front of him.  Meanwhile behind him is two cps still full, still there for the taking, but instead of looking at what he has, he is mourning the loss of what is in front of him.

Just to double check myself -- Book defines it as "Disappointment.  Sorrow in those things from which pleasure was expected.  Disillusionments in love.. Marriage broken up. Loss of friendship. Vain regrets; loss, but with something left over"

I like the way I look at the card better in my opinion.

The other card, the five of swords, reversed... I am not as familiar with.
 "Beware of pride.  There is a chance of loss or defeat.  Attendance at a funeral. Empy victory. Sorrow. Weakness"

Hmm... not a happy pull, on either side of this it seems..

So... my problem is regretting what Ive lost, or even failed to obtain in the first place, but... the solution, beware of pride?   Attendance at a funeral, well I do have a sick uncle... cancer.  Ugh, this is just a sad pull overall, and I'm not even sure how I could tie these together.


  1. I would say the problem is being sad over something that's lost, but there is a warning that being too prideful can block you from seeing those two full cups. At least that's my thought on it.

  2. That would be a good way of looking at it... Seeing it that way makes sense, hmm, just wondering part of my life it is directly referring to is the harder part.
