Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tarot Pull

General for the rest of my week.  This card, upright means "Triumph, success, control over the forces of nature---thus triumph over ill health as well as money difficulties or enemies of any sort, including one's own lower animal passions.  This is a card of those who achieve greatness.  it may also indicate travel in comfort.  Mental and physical powers should lead to fulfillment."

Seems like quite a positive card.  Not sure what it really means for my week though.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Dreams from the night of the 25th and 24th

So last night, I dreamed that I was on an abandoned highway. I was stringing up a human corpse for all to see.  Flash to be driving past the same scene from below the highway. 

I pretty much chock this up to watching Battlefield: Los Angeles and playing RAGE yesterday.

The night before that was a bit strange though.

I had a dream where a female coworker was taking a shower.  I made it like I was in there looking for the trash to take it out, but though the shower curtain I could see her breasts, she was still wearing underwear.

Another dream I had was me being at work, Rob a coworker who was transferred to another store in reality was there in street clothing.  I remember putting pallets down near the end of a receiving dock and seeing though the cracks in the flooring the broken ones underneath.  As I was doing that, another pallet with more deil load went by.

That's all I remember.

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Ah well.  I made a sigil last night, and didn't dream at all.  Figured I would just put that out there.  Kinda disappointing really, that I don't remember anything.  Maybe tomorrow night. :-/

The purpose of it was "I am going to dream about my true form"

Friday, December 23, 2011

Dreams, Dreams everywhere!

Well.  Ill start with the one I JUST remembered.

I had a dream where I was banned from an IRC channel due to lack of activity.  Apparently someone else I know online was on it as well, Ihrida in this case.  I remember seeing typed "I think Ihrida and Lycaon are members of the other organization, I think they are spies."  Papi said "I like you Lycaon, but you have to go." then I was banned from the channel.

I also had a few other dreams.  One of which was me going outside with my brother, and me looking up at the pitch black sky.  "I think its snowing out." I could feel the cold drops of snow falling into my hair. 

I woke up and it is snowing in actuality.  Though I did hear on the news that it was supposed to.

Another dream I remember having was my Dad driving his car into a jughandle.  It is a way to turn around on a road without pulling a u-turn.  Pretty much a little side street leading up to a light to then take a left back onto the same road.  Someone was walking in front of my fathers car, so he got out and started telling them to get out of the way.  I think someone then hit dads car when he got out of it because thee guys were standing off to the side appraising the damage, while my father and this other guy kinda fought.

The other guy picked up a rock, and chucked it at my father, and I flew into a rage.  I got into the guys face, and I remember yelling "If you so much as lay one more hand on him I will fucking murder you."

The guy looked shocked, and then backed down a bit.  He went on about how he is usually not like that, and about how he was sorry.  He then went back to saying how the three guys worked for such and such a collision place, where someone I am acquainted with, David, works in reality.

We ended up going there, to find that Dave now apparently owns the place, and buys everything to get put into it.

Somehow this segways into there being lasers coming though the windows, like the ones you would find on firearms to help those who cannot aim get a better shot.  It seems like they are searching for a murder suspect...

I don't remember much else, regretfully.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


I did say I wanted to dream about something different...

I was in a car with someone else driving.  I remember the car starting to swerve, and then the next thing I knew I was handing upside down, stairs under my head, the car flipped over.  I was seeing this from the third person persective, but I knew it to be myself.

Regretfully that is all I remember from last night.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tarot Pull

I got the seven of cups.  The book says.  "Dreams, castles in the air, an imagination that has been working overtime.  The seeker's forces have been too scattered. Illusionary success. Selfish dissipation; deception."

Luin said that to her it represents nostalgia, I could see how that would work... but to me, Its like looking at possibilities, at everything that needs to be done, should be done, and getting no where, seeing the pitfalls, the gains, the losses... and being stuck in a rut.


More work dreams

Just a short one, even though I slept from 10PM to about 9, though I think I woke up around 6, I just refused to get up.

I dreamed I was resocking a floor case at work, putting milk in it.  Even though I work for the Deli IRL.  I believe the next area was going to be swiss cheese, so it was like I was working for the dairy department instead.

That's all I can remember, though I know there was more when I had woken up around 6ish, but I didn't make any recordings or notes about it.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Dream from last night

This was bit of a strange dream...

My first reaction upon waking was "I had a dream where I interacted with a ghost." Followed by "I also dreamed I was spitting chickens in the Dairy cooler, and was talking to Brian. I got out before Kevin got in there, so I didn't get yelled at"

"I had a dream where there was a bunch of tiny blimps flying around, trying to destroy a city"

I also dreamed that I had attended some sort of party, I think with Kacie, one of my co-workers.  Kevin was playing the piano, I think one of the things I had put down in my dream was my digital voice recorder.

We somehow found ourselves outside, and Kacie saw something though the trees which frightened her.  I looked through the trees and saw something moving though it.  I think that is where I got the "I interacted with a ghost" part.  But upon looking though the brush I though it was nothing.

"Something glowing yellow is haunted"  Was something that was said to me in the dream, maybe by the 'ghost' figure in the brush?  I think that somehow Sex played a role in my dream again...

I ended up going home with her, and the next morning find the devices.  I had the tail end of the performance, from multiple angles, watching people singing, dancing, making music, and I seemed to have the very beginning of the evening, but it was set to start playing at the end.

The device ended up being my brothers, and he had all the passcodes to access the data on it, and I remember wanting a copy since it would also probably have me having sex on it..

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Tarot Time.

Yea, I could have put this in the same post... *shrugs*

The two of swords, upright is my card for my week.

"Tension in relationships.  Indecision. Balanced forces. Military friendships.  A well-developed sense of balance and rhythm but needing direction. Stalemate."

I can see how this meaning "tension in relationships" could be quite true.  Considering all I have been going though at work and such as of late. It seems quite apt actually.

Hopefully this isn't a implication of things to come.

Dream about work?

Well, it was a bit of a strange one.  I got home 9:45PM Saturday night, was in bed by 11:30, Woke up 3:45, back at work by 5:30, Worked till 11:45, Got home by noon, ate and showered by 12:45, back in bed by 1PM, woke up 5PM.

This dream occurred during the second nap if you will.

I was at work, and I think I heard one of my coworkers upstairs in the 'produce' area as I thought of it.  I went up there, and saw, in order, a hole in the floor, covered in glass, inside was deli meats, a 'vat' of raw chickens, almost looking like they were rotting, hundreds of pounds of pepperoni slices in a large vat of its own, multiple people working on prepping these item.

The manager of this area found me, talking about how I must be new, etc etc.  He gave me a tour of the place.  I got away, found Kris, who I work with, with a bunch of coupons for yogurt, and made my way downstairs again. I found my manager Alissa and she said something about that guy being a bastard, and then I woke up.  It was a bit strange, really.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Dreaming in threes...

The first dream, was of my father and I in a truck.  I believe that he had killed a deer of some sort, and we were taking it home.  I remember looking at it, and it actually looked like already prepared meat, like a Virginia ham, made by thin and trim, all cylindrical and such.

I remember we were wrapping it in something, and going to put it on the grill when it fell and landed on the ground, Suzie my dog was there and just sat there and looked at it.

The next dream I had was my brother was making a cake for me, a birthday cake, It was also of a very strange size, put on floppy cardboard. He had handed it to me when it was done, and I was sitting in a chair, and it had started to spin of its own accord.  When he finally grabbed it I had relieved, as I was afraid I was going to drop it. 

He was mixing frosting with strawberries when I had left.  I remember accidentally walking into my fathers room in this dream and he started to sit up, and I walked out.

I think I then went into my room and fell asleep, and after something about vampires, (I really cannot remember what, just that I had mumbled that into my recorder this morning) I had a dream where I woke up at work, It was busy, like a Sunday.  Chantal looked at me, and had asked if I was awake yet, and I could only respond "No."  I also thought to myself in this dream that I really should make a recording of my other two dreams, but didn't become lucid, but I did end up waking up after that thought.

But, I have to get ready for work, since they had called me.  But Success! I managed to get the Christmas card I had promised out into the mail today. So I'm happy.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Tarot Time!

General pull for the week yielded me the moon, upright.  It means, according to the book.  "Intuition, Imagination, deception.  Unfoldment of latent psychic powers. Unforseen perils, secret foes.  Bad luck for one you love."

Nothing for nothing?  I had the feeling in my gut as soon as I touched my cards tonight.  One that I have started to akin to change, or being uneasy.  I'm not sure what its about.  But this card furthers Luin's reading from last week, with her Oracle deck, about not dismissing feelings... It seems to be following that same path. 

I also find it amusing to see a dog, and a wolf, being led by the light of the moon, though humanity and beyond.  Wolf, natures creation, dog, domesticated by man. Etc Etc.

Pair of dreams

Well.  I had a fun morning :).

Also dreamed last night, but this mornings fun didn't allow me to post about it till now.

I dreamed that I was in an SUV of some sort, driving,  We entered some sort of park, where we were supposed to be walking though, but instead drove though the wooden gateway and down the path.  There were times where I thought the vehicle would stop because of the water, and others where I thought it wouldn't fit over the footbridge or something similar.  We drove past groups of exotic animals like flamingos and other such animals.

There was a point in this dream where I came across a crashed police car, and I believe I was being chased.  I took out the gun and ammo and placed it somewhere, and then had the thought.  "Now I am going to replay this level and grab it from this container."

I noticed after I got out of the SUV I noticed I was with someone else, and after grabbing these items, i was that other person.  As the other person i was being chased and shot at, running though the woods.

The other dream Jon my second manager at work, was back and Megan was hanging off his back while I was talking to him.  I remember him looking at me and asking. "Is it really that important right now?"


Ha.  A dream about making a recording too... I was being chased because as the 'second character' from the first dream I had grabbed something or other that I shouldn't have.

For the record, I did meditate last night a bit, fell asleep while doing so, but didn't open any chakras.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Dreaming of Haunted Houses.

Slept pretty well last night.  Didn't wake up at all.  Though I did have a few interesting dreams.

I dreamed that I had watched a movie based upon a 'true haunted house story'  It seemed pretty realistic, where the family was terrorized by an unseen entity.  Later, It was almost like I had moved into the house that was in the movie.  I remember thinking "I wonder if my parents know that this is the house from the movie."

I wish with two younger kids, as well, and I was walking though a hallway with them.  One of the rooms, was in shades of gray, and in the far corner there was a stuffed bunny.  The young kid, who had a full head of blond curls (something akin to what I myself looked like when I was young, I suspect.), turned to look into the room and walk into it.  I stopped them... Instead the stuffed rabbit came closer to us.

The other dream that I had was about me at work.  I was with a couple of coworkers, and I remember one of them stuck some labels onto my back.  I noticed that none of us were wearing our work attire, and I looked at the bottom of my shoes, Shannon took a rubber stamp and stamped the bottom of my shoe.  I found my jacket in the trashcan a bit afterwards, and I remember reaching behind my back and removing the labels.

I woke up after that.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Odd meditation experience.

Well, a long day prevented me from posting this before now.

I had an odd experience last night, while meditating after taking some Nyqil.  Probably not the smartest thing to attempt, since any results would be suspect, but I wouldn't be the first person to use a substance and then attempt something metaphysical related.

I was meditating, and I had an odd sensation.  Instead of the usual 'I can feel energy' sensation it was more like a rhythmic pounding.  Not that many people would understand the sound I'm talking about.  Its was something akin to something bouncing off of a rotating blade at a high rate of speed, a rhythmic pounding.

I was lying back feeling the energy. But instead of being smooth, it felt like that.  It also felt like my arms and legs were getting pulled away from my core.  Down, and away, and then after being stretched, away  to my left. All the while, the rhythmic pounding.  It was just an odd experience. I fell asleep a short while afterwards.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dream Fragment

Just a small bit of a dream remembered.

I was in my grandparents house, I was going to stay there overnight and was thinking that maybe  I would remember some of my dreams.  I was a few other people, though I can't be sure why.  The atmosphere seemed slightly strange.

That is all I can remember.  Though when I woke up my father was talking to my mother about something, so its not like I had much time to explore what I did remember.  Ah well.


I really didn't do a good job describing this.  I was in the living room.  I was sitting on the sofa in its old position.  That is against the back wall.  The recliner forward a bit to the right.  The main entrance further in front of that, TV in front of me, the hallway into the bedrooms further up on the left, going straight.  On the right side of the hallway would have been the bathroom, on the left, the sowing room, which was my aunts bedroom, the master bedroom after that, and straight ahead was my mothers room, which was also the room my brother and I slept in when we stayed there.

I'm not sure what room I was planning on staying in.  But it was quite misty in the house.  *shrugs*

Monday, December 5, 2011

Strange night.

Well... that was a decidedly strange night for sure.  It started out with me talking to Luinbariel about a few things, mentioning shields and such.  So I decided. "Its been a while since I worked on mine, I might as well..."

So I got down to it.  Got off the computer around 11:30ish, probably 10 or so minutes later, within reason.  I went though the steps, opening chakras, bringing in energy into myself, flushing grounding, all of that.  First thing that happened.  While doing the meditation I felt as if my body was approaching a wall.  As if I was flying though the darkness that is typical of my void meditation and approaching something.  It came from my right side.  My body jerked as if I was attempting to move away from whatever I was approaching (I am going to upload the recordings when I'm done, check 111205_001.mp3 for this recording.)  I made a note in this that I also attempted to make my detection shield as well.

EDIT:  After i made my shield (why did I make it rusy orange in color? I have no idea.) I started at my  head, an willed energy down though my body, with the intent of pushing out impurities and other such things.  I felt the pressure build as I went though iht, When I was near my throat I felt the pressure in my stomach/solar plexuses/sacral chakra's, as I went lower so did the pressure, until it was all down by my feet, which is where grounding takes place, that and the root...  It was odd as well...

1:56 in the morning (111205_002.mp3)  I had a dream where I had a chat with Luin over IRC.  She was video chatting with people and that she remembered when she needed a youtube account.  That she was going to  'use it until it falls'.  She was also discussing about how she was working on 'getting me there' (to where she lives?" and that it was going to cost $69... *shrugs*

There was something else, as noted in 111205_003.mp3

I had a dream where there were at least two four headed dogs in my dreams.  They had heads on either side of their body, if you ever seen the cartoon Catdog, you know what I'm getting at, except two heads on either side.  At one point one of them had a human head on one side, and two dog heads on the other.  It was strange, enough so that I believe that is why I ended up waking up when I did.

And then there was the dream where someone else and I were going though a place.  Sort of like a waterpark,  We were friends with the owner, and we ended up launching a watercraft out of one area into another.  We ended up breaking a glass partition, and I offered to pay for it.  Someone was chasing us, so I jumped down and landed into another pool of water.

I then was at work suddenly talking to Chantal.  On the table was a group of labels with sticky backing, stapled with a staple gun, each end of one attached to the next with the staples, with the ends pointing at a chair.  Decidedly strange.

111205_004 mentions that I said in the dream where I was upstairs at work, that I had 'gone though it multiple times, and that the second time through I managed to make them think it wasn't my fault.  I seem to remember having the dream, at least twice, where the outcomes were different... 

AND 111205_005.  I was working in the grocery back room, still for the Deli as I do IRL.  I was looking for our order to get back to the deli.  It was on top of a large metal shelving.  I had to go up some hydraulically controlled stairs to get on top of these shelves.  Where I could see the stuff I wanted.  I remember watching someone control these stairs with wonder and awe.  The stairs had a series of buttons on the handrail on the side, so that you could control how high it went up.

Even though I wasn't allowed to couch the power jacks I was chosen to help someone do some work in the back room, to get the items for the Deli.

These are the 5 recordings in question. 

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Two updates, Whoo!

Whelp.  I took a nap.

I had a bit of a dream fragment during it.

I was walking though a parking garage.  There were a few people in it, and I walked around past the cars and them.  Next to a van there was 3 smaller dogs lying on the ground, and on the other side two larger ones where sitting.  Walking past the van itself I saw at least two people inside, reclining in the drivers and passenger seats, respectively.

A woman who I walked past looked at the dogs and remarked, "Oh what well trained dogs!"

As I exited the dogs I saw an olderman talking to himself.  "Well how about soup, that's a good human food.  We also need..." He started to list things like chicken breast, different brands of dog foods, and some other things though the particulars I do not remember.  He had an odd sort of accent.

He was taller than he looked, and walked with a slightly bent back.  Graying hair, salt and pepper beard.  I believe he had on a vest, with many pockets, and possibly a Bluetooth in his ear.

Tarot time?!? I think it is. Yes.

Ive been neglecting doing a tarot reading for myself for a while.

So.  I did one, just now.  General reading for the week

My card?

This card, upright, means "Force of character, spiritual power overcoming material power, love triumphing over hate, the higher nature over carnal desires."

That is what the book I have says. As to how it relates to my week? I would say that I need to focus on those qualities to get though it.  Meaning overall that my week itself seems like it is not going to be the best week ever.  Ah well.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Strange Dream

I was heading though the woods, going home, over the gnarled roots.

I could hear someone talking about the humidity, about how it was supposed to be 90 degrees out, but there was snow on the ground.  I remember picking up some snow as I moved, and exited the wooded area into a beach area.  I remember throwing the snow into the lake, which was partially frozen.

I entered though a sliding glass door.  The floors were made of wood and my boots where melting all over it.  They had mud and sand all over them.  I cleaned up after myself using a towel, and from there walked into the kitchen.  My mother had a bowl and a plate, my father had a bowl, and I believe there were two more bowls on the table.  I grabbed three more plates.  They were square, and white.  and I grabbed some of the food for myself.  I believe they were dumplings with some sort of sauce on them.

I remember thinking that I should get some for my brother, who currently lives in Medford.

I remembered another dream, or a part of the first, a bit later.

I was with a group of people. One of the other guys was saying about how a Dodge Charger (it might have been Challenger however) would be a nice car, and it seemed like he had alot of money cause he was talking about buying it.  I remember walking up to someones car, knocking on the window, and asking if I could get a ride from them.  They said yes.

I think that I actually had the part with the cars before the one about going though the woods, like those events led up to me running though the woods. But it honestly felt like I was running from something, for one reason or another.