Friday, March 2, 2012

Dreams of Home. Dreams of Luin, possibly. Meditation Visions, Oh My!

So, I had a few dreams last night, after saying that I hadn't been remembering any.

I was at home, seemingly alone, in my eldest brothers room, watching his TV, seemingly Friday night television, he wasn't home, but I believe Teddy, the puppy that my family has recently gotten was with me.  Overall the feeling of the dream was 'dark' but not 'menacing'. I believe that I had to take him out at one point... I mention in a recording that it was weird...

As for hat I did remember upon waking...

I had a dream about having a dream.  In the dream I wrote down a dream that I had about Luin in her attic.  There was a ramp going up and coming from there was leaves blowing down.  From what I could tell I was seeing though her eyes, and she was attempting some sort of ritual.  As she was doing it, the leaves were blowing around her, like a cyclone of some sort. If I had to guess they were comming out of a broken skylight or something similar.

I was writing these details down on a piece of paper using a pencil in the dream that I had.  But it was like remembering a dream within a dream.

Also while I was trying to fall asleep I had a vision of a snow embankment.  Sitting in it was a head. As I watched it, it slowly melted down into the embankment until it disappeared.

In other news... I'm still sick, called my doctor and he wants to continue the medicine I'm on now, and wants me to stay out of work for a few more days, Rosi, my assistant manager isn't going to schedule me until Friday of next week.  Bless her.

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