Saturday, February 4, 2012

Couple of dreams.

The night before last... I dreamed that I got my pacakge.  I ended up getting my books that day.

Last night I dreamed that I smoked ciggerettes for whatever reason... The ash burned my lungs, and all of that, in the dream... quite uncomfortable.  Though not the first such dream ive had like that.

Also on an unrelated note, I just wanted to say that today sucked.  9-7 is such a horrible shift, especially when its followed by a 6:30 - 1 the day after.

Feels like you get to literally nothing all day, get up, go to work, get home eat, watched a crappy movie... (BAD BAD BAD movie.)  and now I'm going to go to bed... Did go online to see who was on, and thats about it.

I dunno... everything about today sucked though... I'm still holding out some hope that the guy will get back to me about the job at corporate.   I really need to get out of that place.

Also, Ive been sick for almost 2 weeks, it will literally be two weeks tuesday.  headache, sore throat, the whole 'ear thing' where its just buzzing/rinning and feels like its wrapped in cotton. Ugh.  I just want to make it all stop.

1 comment:

  1. :(

    I hope you feel better soon... Here's some more Reiki coming your way.
