Sunday, February 5, 2012


I'm actually not sure what to make of any of it.

Ill just copy and paste cause its easier...

I should also mention I did some grounded meditation today.  Seemed like some of the colors that I was 'seeing' were darker than they should have been, at least as far as the heart chakra, the throat, and the root.  Not sure if that was just me or something that I should have paid more attention to...

[21:09:07] <@Lycaon> So, sitting downstairs eating nachos with my parents. My mother says "Seems like alot of activity around this place, lots of people wandering about"
[21:09:17] <@Lycaon> not sure if she ment inso much as spirit activity or what.
[21:10:29] <@Lycaon> Also, sitting downstairs watching tv with my brother as the parents watched the superbowl.  I'm leaning on my left elbow, when that same shoulder suddenly felt like someone took a finger and just PUSHED down on it.  Like literally enough pressure to cause me to fall deeper in that direction.  Then a feeling like lighting coursing though that shoulder from the pressure down though the rotator cuff.

beyond that.  I was talking to my older brother about what my mother had said.  He didn't think she meant anything metaphysical, and said that he hadn't noticed anything lately... but I have on some occasions, shadow people and such, so I'm not sure what to think on that front.

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